Wednesday, April 13, 2016

April is Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness month. So as a mom of a Lil guy with Autism, let me make you aware of what and where Autism is. Autism is a neurological disorder. No my child is not stupid, he is not ignoring you, no he is not weird, yes he is quirky, he is down right cute, but for all that's holy no he can not tell you how many matchsticks you drop on the floor. He is not rainman. Autism is every where. 1 in 48 children are diagnosed every year. That's a lot of people. There is no cure, the is no rhyme or reason. It is a GROWING epidemic. Sure there are resources to help but not so much that doesn't deplete a family of any kind of financial issues. Thankfully some insurances are beginning to see the growing need for assistance for families and our loved ones who deal with their condition and quirks everyday. Some people with Autism will not engage in eye contact, some are non verbal, sounds that we deal with on a daily basis can be extremely distracting and upsetting to someone on the spectrum. Some will flap, rick, and fidget. These are there stems, or coping mechanisms. Most prefer to be alone, or some like my guy are social which is more rare than the norm. I hope I was able to enlighten you on a very big epidemic that's growing faster and faster.